Organic Avocado oil
For specific product inquiries, we would like to point out that our minimum order quantity per product is 750 kg.
Available in the following varieties
In addition to cultivation for direct consumption, avocados are cultivated for the production of oil for food and cosmetic purposes.More…
Depending on variety and location from late summer to late autumn.More…
Avocado oil is produced from the fruits (avocados) of the avocado tree (Persa americana).More…
Nutty, fruity.More…
Rainforest of Central America, now also including South Africa and the Mediterranean region.More…
Around 6 million tons of fruit.More…
Avocado trees have a high water consumption. Cultivation where there is more natural rainfall improves the ecological balance. Avocado oil from Kenya comes from avocado trees, which are not grown in monoculture, but from a large number of small farmers. The trees grow here in mixed cultivation and in higher locations, so that no irrigation is necessary. In the production of avocado oil, it is also possible to use fruits that are not available on the market for immediate consumption due to their calibration or optical defects.More…
Special feature
Cold pressed avocado oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and has the typical avocado taste.More…

The oil produced from the fully ripe fruits comes onto the market either as edible oil or for the production of cosmetics and body care products.
Avocado oil is a pure fruit flesh oil. It is pressed from the fruits of the avocado tree. The fat content of the fruit flesh (mesocarp), however, varies within the different avocado varieties and due to the different cultivation areas. Usually it is 15 to 20 %, occasionally varieties can contain up to 30 % fat.
Avocado trees are fast-growing. Mostly they grow shrubby, even up to a height of 20 m can be reached by type and variety. The tree belongs to the laurel family. Botanically, the fruits of this tree are berries. The indehiscent fruit comes from a single ovary. Once the avocado was also known under the name Butterfruit, which is already an indication of the high fat content.
Originally, avocados were native to the warm and humid rainforest of Central America. From there, the tree has conquered many regions. The cultivation knows about 400 varieties. The trees need a lot of light and sun to thrive, tropical and subtropical regions are ideal. The fruits grow in Israel, South Africa, California, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Spain. Oil is mainly produced in the producing countries. Two basic production processes are used: cold pressing, which produces high-quality native oils, and refining, which brings cheaper oil onto the market.
We obtain our organic avocado oil from sustainable, organic cultivation. The careful use of resources is becoming more and more important in the production of avocados, after ecological concerns were not always sufficiently taken into account in an initial boom years ago. The choice of suitable varieties and cultivation in areas where a large part of the water is covered by natural precipitation improves the ecological balance.
Avocado trees need a lot of water. Where the trees grow from higher altitudes, as with our avocado oil from small farmers, artificial irrigation can be dispensed with. The wood of the avocado tree is mainly used for the production of smaller utensils. Agricultural equipment, paddles and small pieces of furniture are made from it. However, it is also suitable for use in the field of art, from which sculptures and carvings are made. In the main cultivating countries, research is being intensified into how the residues from oil extraction can be used to good effect. The oil press cake has been used as animal feed for a long time. More recent is the production of biopolymers from avocado kernels. Small start-up companies collect the seeds from the oil producers and convert them into bioplastics. This creates additional jobs.
Between 7 and 10 months, depending on the variety and region, it takes from flowering to ripening. Even fully ripe avocados remain hard, they only become soft when they are separated from the tree. It is therefore important to recognize the right degree of ripeness on the tree. Harvesting experience is also needed in other respects, as the fruit is sensitive despite its thick skin. The flesh must remain intact. After harvesting, the fruits are washed and sorted. They are then packaged and cooled, and quickly transported to the consumer or further processing.
Avocado oil tastes fruity and nutty.
Mexican producers account for over 2 million of the world’s annual harvest of around 6 million tonnes of avocados, followed by the Dominican Republic, Peru and Indonesia. The USA is one of the largest importers, with Germany in 8th place. In addition to the producing countries, importing countries are also leaders in the production of avocado oil.
Special feature
Avocado oil is mainly used in Germany as a seasoning oil for flavoring food. Native avocado oil has a smoke point of 261°. It thus leads the list of the best known oils. This high heatability makes native avocado oil absolutely suitable for grilling, roasting and baking.
Product features