Organic Coconut flour
For specific product inquiries, we would like to point out that our minimum order quantity per product is 750 kg.
For baking cakes and pastries, as an ingredient for curries and vegetable dishes, as a binding agent for soups and sauces, for the production of vegan products such as cheese substitutes.More…
All year.More…
Coconut flour is a valuable product from the coconut. The pulp is dried, deoiled and ground to the desired degree of fineness.More…
Discreet and mild, yet with a typical coconut aroma.More…
All tropical regions of the world.More…
Around 60 million tons of coconuts are harvested annually worldwide, which are used for the manufacture of various products.More…
Organic coconut flour is a fully-fledged natural product. In sustainable cultivation, coconut palms are grown which can be used in all their components. These are mainly coconut products, but also the trunk, leaves and fibres of the coconut palm are used in a variety of ways.More…
Special feature
Coconut flour is gluten-free and can therefore be suitable for celiac patients.More…

Coconut flour has conquered its firm place in the kitchen. Together with other flours it is ideal for baking. Organic coconut flour refines exotic dishes, it fits into smoothies and tastes good in yoghurt and muesli. It gives sauces and soups a creamy consistency and a fine coconut aroma.
Coconuts are the starting product for the production of coconut flour. These stone fruits of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) take about 12 months from flowering to ripening. Young coconut palms flower from the age of five until they bring commercial benefit, it takes another 10 to 15 years. Coconut palms produce their full yield over a period of 15 to 60 years. From an age of 80 years no new inflorescences form, although specimens with an age of 120 to 150 years are known.
The ripe coconuts are harvested by hand. They are peeled and their brown skin is removed. The white flesh is dried. It is the raw material for many coconut preparations, such as grated coconut, coconut milk and coconut flour.
For the production of coconut flour, the pulp is deoiled and ground by pressing. The finely ground organic coconut flour contains 12 to 15 g of natural fat. It is rich in protein, about 20 g are contained in 100 g coconut flour. Also the valuable dietary fibres are to a high degree in this natural product. With up to 40 g it is far above all grain flours. Essential trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and manganese are also abundant in our organic coconut flour.
We obtain our organic coconut flour from selected, proven partners. Together with them, we are committed to sustainable cultivation and fair trade. Coconut flour is a pure, unadulterated natural product without any further ingredients. Any coconut that cannot be used for flour production is recycled in another way. In addition to oil, coconut milk and coconut flour, coconuts provide valuable ingredients for animal feed.
The careful use of resources is our top priority when it comes to coconut cultivation. In good soils, coconut palms are able to provide the water necessary for growth through their tap roots. Watering is only necessary on poor soils. In order to maintain the fertility of the soil, vegetable waste from the coconut is returned to the natural cycle. The hard brown shells are ground and together with the water-storing coconut fibres form a valuable substrate. The coconut wood is still used as construction timber in the producing countries. It is used to make furniture and everyday utensils. The leaves of the coconut palm are used to make baskets or are woven into walls. Coconut fibres are a natural insulating material, this robust natural product is also suitable for the production of mats and carpets.
Coconuts ripen at different times. In order to recognize the right ripening point, a trained eye is needed, because once harvested coconuts do not ripen. The harvest is still done by hand. What cannot be achieved with poles must be harvested from above. For this purpose, local harvest helpers climb the coconut palms as they have always done. The fallen and knocked down nuts are then transported to a collection point from where they are transported to factories for further processing.
Coconut flour has the typical coconut taste.
Every year around 60 million tons of coconuts are harvested worldwide. Approximately 40 coconuts can be harvested per crop and palm. The fresh coconuts are processed into coconut flour, coconut milk and other coconut products.
Special feature
Coconut flour is naturally slightly sweet. Adding sugar to food can therefore be reduced.
Product features

Nutritional table
Nutritional value may vary in natural products.
25 lb/22,68 kg oder Big Bag25 lb/22,68 kgor Big Bag
Kühl und trocken lagernKeep cool and dry
Min. 12 Monate ab ProduktionsdatumMin. 12 months from production date