

Sending rays of hope!

We support a local aid project for a better future

Maternity ward

Maternity ward

Primary school

Primary school


Individual help

“Shining Together”: Our hearts beat for the dedicated aid project “Lichtstrahl Uganda e.V.” in Gulu, a location in the northern part of the country. Uganda ranks among the poorest countries in the world. For years, the Münster-based association has been tirelessly working to ensure urgently needed medical care and nutrition through donations. Goals include immediate measures in acute emergencies and assistance for self-help for people in northern Uganda. Local engagement enables immediate and direct improvement of the living conditions of people there through initial measures and sustainably shaping conditions to open up life prospects, especially for young mothers and children.

Furthermore, the association provides access to education and opened a medical station with training facilities in 2011. The project was expanded subsequently with a maternity ward, a preschool, a primary school, and a children’s and mothers’ crisis center.

We are delighted to be part of this “shining” project through our monthly support. Additionally, the association is very grateful for any further contributions.

Adjacent to this, our sesame cultivation project is located, meeting our high standards for quality and sustainability. Through this regional connection, we are particularly grateful to be able to give back in this way. It is important for us to act transparently and responsibly and to be part of a sustainable supply chain that is ethically justifiable. By purchasing sesame, you help us support such social projects.

Children's crisis village

Children’s crisis village

Nursery school

Nursery school

Village impressions

Village impressions

Village impressions

Village impressions

Village impressions

Village impressions

Village impressions

Village impressions